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I am a Professor of Economics (Tours, Loire Valley, France),  specialized in international trade and more broadly,  in globalization issues.


Besides,  I am the co-director of  the "International Trade and Sustainable Development (EI2D)" department  at the LEO laboratory  (Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans, a CNRS-Orleans University lab.).



Finally, I am a CEPII research associate, Cepremap reasearch associate and GEP Nottingham University associate.


You'll find in this website all the information you need regarding my CV, research and other academic activities and lectures. To do so, just click on the menu options on on the top of the page.

More on the visibility of my research, my thoughts and my professional news. Find me on :



  1- International trade in goods
  2- International trade in services 
  3- Conflicts and globalization.


BEcAUSe Terror: My new ANR reseach project


Address and Contacts
Academic activities


Terrorism and Globalization

With Thierry Verdier and José de Sousa we have a series of papers on Trade, Security and Terrorism. We look at how these interact and try to identify the links empirically. To find out more go to my publications' page.

Outmigration and Policies

Trade in Services Mysteries

With two of my coauthors (Guillaume Gaulier and Francesco Magris) we try to uncover the mysteries of the lack of trade in services at the firm level.

With two of my-coauthors (Rémi Baziller and Francesco Magris), we look at the impact of Macroeconomic Cycles and immigration policies on outmigrations in two new and up-coming papers.

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